The MassMammals education team works with elementary and high school classrooms to include students in active research! Teachers are provided with a trail camera to capture photographs of local mammals and frequent lesson plans to teach students about the scientific process as it relates to ecology research. Student researchers on the project may visit to teach lessons or describe their experiences working on the project. For more information and examples of past lesson plans, click here, or contact
Sightings Needed!
There are a few locations around Massachusetts where we have not received many mammal sightings. In order to have a complete picture of mammal populations, we need help from citizen scientists all across the state. If you or someone you know lives in or around the circled areas on the map below, we would love to hear from you! If you would like to help share our project, we have attached some of our fliers that can be printed out and posted as well!

Share our Fliers!
We are a citizen science/community science project that relies on volunteers just like you, and we need your help to spread the word!
Year-round | Spring Poster | Summer Poster | Fall Poster | Black and White
*MassMammals used to be called Mammals of the Pioneer Valley until Spring 2021
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